Should I sell now?

Yes, with one possible exception. The one exception applies if you are unlucky enough to be in an area that has lots of short sale and bank owned properties for sale. In such areas you have a tough decision to make. The glut of homes for sale is probably driving prices down in the short term. If you have the flexibility of waiting for a few years you might want to consider that. If you must sell in the near term the quicker you do it the better off you will probably be because the glut of homes for sale in your particular area may continue to drive prices down. If you are in an area that does not have a huge inventory of homes for sale you might as well sell now. I say that because if interest rates go up the price you can get for your home will most likely go down. I also don’t believe that overall home price increases for the next several years will significantly outpace inflation or salary increases. Considering the time value of money the present value of what you can get by waiting a few years probably won’t be that much different than what you can get now. (Google “present value” to find out more about what that term means).

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