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Buyer Rebates

Assuming typical commissions the buyer's rebate on a $500,000 home might be in the range of $5,000 to $7,500. See the rebate form for details.

These are the steps you need to take to get started:

  • Don’t make any commitments with another real estate agent to represent you as a buyer. This is important because if Victors Realty does not get a commission there is no commission to split with you to give you a rebate. If you visit any open houses where you are asked if you are working with a realtor you need to say that you are already working with Victors Realty.
  • Sign up for a free Listingbook account so that you can become familiar with pricing in the area that you are interested in.
  • Contact a lender and obtain pre-qualification for the loan amount that you plan to borrow. (If you are buying for all cash you don’t need to do this).
  • Review the following forms:

Disclosure Regarding Real Estate Relationships (Selling Firm to Buyer)-AD-2

Buyer Representation Agreement - Exclusive - BRE

Disclosure and Consent for Representation of More than One Buyer or Seller-DA

Victors Realty Rebate Form

After reviewing the forms contact us to arrange a face to face meeting to sign the forms so we can start working for you to get you what you want.

Once the forms have been signed the next steps to take are as follows:

  • You find the homes you are interested in seeing by searching on Listingbook and do a drive-by to look at them from the street to be sure that they really are of interest to you. After you have done the drive-by you contact us to schedule showings of these homes to you.
  • We meet you at the first home you want to see and then continue on to see all the homes we have scheduled to see. To avoid potential problems with the rebate process Victors Realty must show you the home you buy.
  • We keep doing this until you find your desired home.
  • When you feel you have found your desired home, we perform a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to determine what homes comparable to your desired home have sold for recently. We use this information to help decide what a reasonable offer might be.
  • We put together your offer and develop a plan for contract negotiations.
  • We help you negotiate counter offers until an agreement is reached or you decide not to proceed.

Important info for rebates paid outside escrow

We will need your taxpayer ID to report the rebate to the IRS
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification

Please contact us with any questions you may have.

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