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Victors Realty Site Map

The home page for Victors Realty.

About Advertising
Why Victors Realty does not use print advertising.

The difference between sellers agents and buyers agents.

Victors Realty Executive Team
Experience in the business world outside of real estate.

Buyer Rebates
What you need to do to be eligible for a home buyers rebate.

How commissions get split between the listing agent and the selling agent.

Electronic Signatures
An overview of how electronic signatures work.

The importance of a independent escrow holder.

A loan payment calculator and links to lenders.

Home Inspection
Links to home inspection trade groups.

Home Search
How to sign up for a free Listingbook account.

An overview of some legally required disclosures.

Privacy Policy
Victors Realty Privacy Policy

Sales Statistics
Listing agent performance for 2009.