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MLS Input and Disclosures


The Multiple Listing Service that is typically used in this area is known as the CRMLS which stands for California Regional Multiple Listing Service. The CRMLS has developed a standard input form to collect the information needed to describe the property being offered for sale.

CRMLS Input Form

Written Communications Only

To minimize the potential for misunderstandings we require the following signed agreement that acknowledges that advice, suggestions, comments or recommendations given by Victors Realty are strictly opinions and are to be relied upon only as opinions.

Warranties, Agreements, Professional Advice and Communications


When you put your house up for sale there are things that you know about your house that might not be obvious to a buyer. To help the buyer fully understand what they are buying there are a number of legally required disclosures. The disclosures must be completed honestly. Remember that when people are unpleasantly surprised they start to talk about suing. Some of the more commonly used disclosure forms are listed below:

Statewide Buyer and Seller Advisory-SBSA

Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement-TDS

Seller Property Questionnaire-SPQ

Water Heater and Smoke Detector Statement of Compliance-WHSD

Lead Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards Disclosure Acknowledgement and Addendum-FLD

Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement-NHD

Some of the more complicated disclosures can be satisfied by purchasing third party reports. One company providing such reports is JCP-LGS Disclosures. Samples of some of their reports are as follows:

EnviroCheck Report

Natural Hazard Disclosure Report

California Property Tax Disclosure Report

C.L.U.E. Risk Only Report