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Home Sales Statistics for 2009

The numbers below are based on Single Family Residential Sales in Covina, Diamond Bar, Rowland Heights, Walnut and West Covina in 2009.

  • Homes Sold – About 2,200
  • Homes where the listing agent was also the selling agent – Less than 20%
  • Homes Listed by the Top 10 Listing Agents – About 250
  • Homes Listed by the Top 10 Listing Agents where the listing agent was also the selling agent—Less than 15%

So what do numbers tell us?

On the average for every about 4 out of 5 homes the person who found the buyer was not the person who took the listing. The listing agent found the buyer for roughly 1 out of every 5 homes sold.

On the average the top ten listing agents are no better at finding buyers for the homes they list than the typical agent.

When you review the numbers above the most logical conclusion is to list your home with the person who can give you the best deal.